Companies Commission of Malaysia

Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) is a statutory body responsible for regulating companies and businesses in Malaysia and is an agency under the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Malaysia. SSM formed from the merger of the Office of the Registrar of Companies (ROC) and the Registrar of Business (ROB) on 16 April 2002 under the Companies Commission Act 2001 [Act 614]. primary function is to regulate the SSM companies and businesses in Malaysia over the administration of law Act 1965 [Act 125] and the Registration of Businesses Act 1956 [Act 197]. CCM is a provider of corporate and business information to the public and as the key to the improvement of corporate governance. SSM perform compliance functions to regulate business registration and corporate legislation through enforcement activities continued. SSM in its role as a corporate regulator also promote good Corporate Governance and Corporate Responsibility initiatives to drive among the corporate community, especially SMEs by creating awareness and promote good business practices and sustainable.

SSM has evolved and has 14 state offices, 4 offices and 1 service center. Apart from the two above Act, SSM also responsible for the administration and enforcement of the following laws: -

  • Trust Companies Act 1949 [Act 100]
  • (Prohibition) Act 1971 [Act 28]
  • Any subsidiary legislation made under the Acts specified above such as: -

- Companies Regulations 1966; 
- Business Registration Rules 1957. 

Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia

Prior to 1983, the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Malaysia is managed by the Patent and Trademark Office. The Office has changed its name to the Patent and Trade Office in 1983 and placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

On October 27, 1990, the Ministry has been restructured and the Patent and Trade Office was placed under the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs is now known as the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism. Patent and Trade Office later changed its name to Intellectual Property Division (BHI). The Division is responsible for overseeing and administering the Patents Act 1983, Trade Marks Act 1976 and the Copyright Act of 1987. 

Industrial Design Act 1996 came into force in 1999, followed by the Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits Act 2000 (Act 601) in 2000 and the Geographical Indications Act 2000 (Act 602) in 2001.

In line with the expansion of intellectual property both domestically and internationally, Intellectual Property Division (BHI) was incorporated on March 3, 2003 and was known as the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (Phim) to the enforcement of Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia Act 2002 (Act 617).

Phim Malay acronym has changed its name to MyIPO on March 3, 2005 in conjunction with the launch of the National Intellectual Property Day which was first held.


  • Creating a strong administration;
  • Strengthening of Intellectual Property Law;
  • Provides a comprehensive and user-friendly information on Intellectual Property;
  • Promote public awareness on the importance of Intellectual Property; and
  • Providing advice on Intellectual Property.


  • ensure the provision of Intellectual Property legislation properly managed and enforced;
  • provides administrative services, collect and enforce payment of the prescribed fees or other charges under the Legislation;
  • regulate and act as an advisor in any legislation or issues or matters relating to Intellectual Property.
  • advise on the revision and updating of Legislation;
  • promote and enhance training and dissemination of information on Intellectual Property;
  • promoting and organizing cooperation in national or international levels;
  • Malaysian interests relating in any international treaty or convention to which Malaysia is a member of Otis;
  • advising the Government on the development of issues or matters related to intellectual property at the international level; and
  • conduct research and studies relating to intellectual property issues.

Bank Rakyat 


  • Bank Rakyat or previously known to as the Apex Bank Kampong Working together with the Federation of Malaya or Bank General Obligation Limited was incorporated on 28 September 1954 under the Cooperative Ordinance 1948

  • To reflect its identity as a cooperative bank and widen the scope of its activities, the Apex Bank name changed to Bank Malaysia Berhad, or simply Bank Cooperation in 1967. Composition of the Bank then opened to individuals and society, and with this change allowed Cooperation Bank extended its funding to the the two communities

  • Along with the development of the national economy, in 1973 the name changed into Cooperation Bank Rakyat Malaysia Berhad or Bank Rakyat and the name has remained until now.

  • In 1978, the People's Bank Act (Special Provisions 1978) was established to enable the government to monitor and control the management and administration of the Bank. The Act also allows the Bank to provide loans to non-members as well as a subsidiary. With this the Bank also placed under the supervision of the ministry responsible for the oversight of the country's cooperative sector the Ministry of Land and Cooperative Development (1990-2004) Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development (2004-2009) and the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (2009-present ).

  • In 1993, the bank made significant transformation by launching the Syariah Banking System branch Alor Star, Kota Baru, Jalan Ipoh and Sungai Besar in 1993. Initiative to make the Bank as the first local bank to change its banking system from the conventional system of Sharia. In the same year, the Cooperative Societies Act, 1993 was amended to allow the bank to operate in Sabah and Sarawak.

  • • Another significant change is that the Bank is placed under the direct supervision of Bank Negara Malaysia in 2001 through the Development Financial Institutions Act 2002. During 2003, the Bank Rakyat Syariah fully operational when it is able to convert conventional asset balance of 1.1% of assets compliant.

  • Various initiatives taken bank in helping the government to develop the country's cooperative sector including through the provision of micro-credit products in 2000 and the introduction of the franchise system for Ar-Rahnu X'change in 2007 ..

Cooperatives Commission of Malaysia 

Cooperative Development Department (DSD), formed in July 1922 to establish, register and develop the Cooperatives same under the Cooperatives same Enactment (The Co-operative Societies Enactment [FMS Cap. 97 of 1992]) and is assigned to drive and advancing the movement. Commissioner's Office of the Cooperatives the headquarters when the Cooperative Development Department located in Taiping, Perak. It moved to Kuala Lumpur in 1924.Development Department name was changed to the Department of Co-operative Development (DSD) in the late seventies. Enactment of the Year 1922 has been repealed and replaced by the Cooperative Societies Act 1948 (Revised 1983). Societies Act 1993 (Act 502) was enacted to consolidate the law society in Malaysia and came into force on January 22, 1994. On January 1, 2008, the Cooperative Development Department of Malaysia has been transformed into the Cooperative Commission of Malaysia (CCM).

Perbadanan Nasional Berhad 

Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PNS), formerly known as Pernas was incorporated on 29 November, 1969. During September 1996, Pernas was privatized through the purchase by the management (MBO), which selected assets were taken over by Pernas International Holdings Berhad. As a result, a new acronym, PNS, has been introduced.  

PNS has a new commercial operation at the new premises located at 9th Floor, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur with a paid up capital of RM 751 million. The Minister of Finance Incorporated (MOF Inc.) Is the largest shareholder.

With many years of experience and resources, PNS has responded to the Government's call to increase the size of the Bumiputera Commercial and Industrial Community (BCIC). Recognizing the importance of this aspiration, various strategies have been devised and implemented. In addition to providing resources, PNS aims to increase Bumiputera entrepreneurs in aspects of professionalism, intelligence and ethics and discipline in business.

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