National Consumer Policy (NDP)


NDP to focus on a culture of self-protection practices by consumers, self regulation by the dealer / manufacturer and achieve an effective level of consumer protection that can provide an environment conducive to creating a fair and sustainable development in line with local economic development and global. 


2.1 The ultimate goal of nation-building is to enhance the quality of life of people who are also users. The dependence on the goods and services in the market requires a comprehensive policy to ensure that consumers and businesses can play a role and perform their respective responsibilities for the development of a sustainable economy. Consumers play an important role in driving the development of the domestic economy can be a buffer against the effects of the global downturn.  

2.2 In this context, the NDP is needed as a foundation, the principles and guidance in the formulation of policies and laws related to the well being of consumers in aspects of consumer protection for the benefit of users. NDP must also be taken into account in the formulation of economic policies or social development. This policy is the foundation of all consumer-related activities by government agencies, the Consumer Association, other NGOs and the private sector so that the culture of consumerism and sustainable production (sustainable production) can be improved in the country.  

2.3 Creation of the NDP needed to reduce the impact of globalization on consumer , businesses and government. The variety of goods and services and the impact of technological sophistication of economic liberalization and globalization alter the legal, economic, trade and social development strategy of the country.    

2.4 NDP needed to create a community of users who adopt self-protection that is intelligent, informative, proactive and responsible, able to influence the activity of the supplier / manufacturer and is sensitive to the actions and behaviors that can influence social and economic conditions of the country. The enterprising effort and united under the theme "1 Manual 1 Voice" has a great power that can determine the goods and services that should be available in the Malaysian market.  

2.5 business community plays a very important role in determining the well-being of consumers. In particular, ethical trader, practicing self-regulation, responsible and honest can contribute to the welfare and well-being.  

2.6 NDP needed to achieve the Government's vision to increase awareness and knowledge of the community of users and dealers on the rights and responsibilities of each other and work together to achieve a prosperous nation. NDP form the basis of the program towards providing consumers and businesses, who can play an active role in the high-income developed countries. 


3.1 NDP formulated based on the ecological approach that recognizes the interrelation between user and system environment as an economic system, social and political. In particular, users interact with other systems and mutual influences and is influenced by the environment of the system.  

3.2 NDP formulated with three (3) goals are:  

3.2.1 Producing enterprising users perform self-protection efforts and   enterprising efforts Users are users who have access to information and the benefits of competition using the information, knowledge and self-reliance. The competitive efforts are also users who are able to protect themselves and be aware of each decision while dealing in the market.  

3.2.2 Improving self-regulation among traders   self-regulation is the effort to develop, manage, market rules and practices enforced by the dealer or operators. It is a collective activity with the participation and consent of all sectors to comply with regulations drafted and agreed upon. Self-regulation is a voluntary activity and the people involved really understand the form of benefits to be derived from such efforts.  

3.2.3 Increasing the effectiveness of consumer protection   effective consumer protection should be the responsibility of all parties. Government plays a role in coordinating enforcement and overall welfare of consumers and merchants.


4.1 The objectives of the NDP are identified to achieve the three goals of the NDP. These objectives are designed to determine the direction of the NDP goals and outline strategies to be implemented to achieve those goals. Specifically, the objectives are designed to achieve the goals that have been identified for each of the stakeholders: consumers, businesses and government. The whole ecosystem will lead to attaining the NDP is to increase the well-being of consumers through unfair market practices.  

4.1.1 Produce The competitive capacity and implement self-protection   objectives in order to create a competitive user capacity and implement self-protection are:   
(i ) Enhance the quality, quantity and accessibility of information   
(ii) Produce and ethically responsible consumer   
(iii) Developing effective consumer movement   
(iv) improve the ability of consumers are vulnerable in terms of resources and protection  

4.1.2 Improving self-regulation among traders        Objective- objective to enhance self-regulation among traders is:   
(i) Dealer ethical and social responsibility   
(ii) Encourage self-regulation among traders / producers   
(iii) Developing markets concerned users  

4.1.3 Increasing the effectiveness of consumer protection   objectives to improve the effectiveness of consumer protection:   
(i) Strengthening the legal and regulatory protection   
(ii) Develop an efficient system of redress, simple and user-friendly  
  (iii) Establish a coordination mechanism / coordination between agencies involved in consumer protection   
(iv) Strengthening consumer protection through the application of standards   
(v) Extending protection to the Regional and International   
(vi) develop quality human resources 


 following strategies can be implemented to achieve the objectives based on the goals set. (A) Produce competitive consumer self-protection capacity and execute strategies to achieve the objectives under the goal of giving users a competitive effort and implement protection Self is:

 5.1 Enhance the quality, quantity and accessibility of information  
5.1.1 provide a platform relationship / interaction between users and government  
5.1.2 Increasing consumer access to accurate information  
5.1.3 Improve circulation of publications and related materials

The 5.2 Produce a responsible consumer and ethical   education Mainstreaming 5.2.1   5.2.2 Increasing the effectiveness of consumer education programs   5.2.3 Monitor the current level of performance of Malaysian consumers.   5.2.4 Creating an environment that enables users to work efficiently in the market.   5.3 Developing effective consumer movement   5.3.1 Strengthen the function associations / consumer movement   5.3.2 Improve links between the government and society / NGOs   5.3.3 Increasing with people (outreach) 5.4 Increase the capacity of vulnerable consumers in terms of resources and protection   5.4.1 Enhancing the protection of vulnerable consumers (B) Increasing Regulatory Among Traders self strategies for achieving the objectives under the goal of enhancing self-regulation among traders is: 5.5 Dealer ethical and social responsibility   5.5.1 Increase efforts to inculcate universal   5.5.2 Code in mainstream business practice 5.6 Promoting self-regulation practices among dealers / manufacturers   5.6.1 Improved understanding of the benefits of self-regulation   5.6.2 Provide recognition to traders who practice self-regulation   5.6.3 Improve monitoring of self-regulation within the industry 5.7 Develop market 'conscious consumers '   5.7.1 Improving business practices 'conscious consumers'   5.7.2 Creating the environment, relationships and business centric policy   5.7.3 Enhancing the role of business organizations in the realization of the market 'conscious consumer' (C) Increase the Effectiveness of Consumer Protection Strategies for objectives under the goal of enhancing the effectiveness of consumer protection: 5.9 Strengthen the legal and consumer protection regulation   5.9.1 Simplify and improve the regulatory environment for businesses and consumers   to be considerably 5.9.2 evidence-based planning   5.9.3 Increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement legal redress 5:10 Developing a system that is efficient, simple and user-friendly   complaints mechanism 5.10.1 Develop an efficient and effective manner.   5.10.2 Provide service delivery system to solve problems quickly and cheaply   5.10.3 Monitor the accessibility and effectiveness of the mechanism solution.   5.10. 4 Develop mechanisms for e-commerce solutions. 5:11 Establishing coordination mechanisms / coordination between agencies involved in consumer protection   5.11.1 Creating consumer protection information exchange mechanisms at the national level.   5.11.2 Establishment of research centers and education 5:12 Strengthening consumer protection through the application of the Standard   5.12.1 Increase awareness of product safety standards and service   standards and 5.12.2 Increasing consumer labeling system 5:13 Developing quality human resources   ministry officials 5.13.1 Complete and consumer leaders with fundamental skills in efforts to improve efficiency


6.1 Value Guide is an important principle that guides users towards a particular prosperous life in the market. The values ​​held by consumers and influencing consumer decision making.  
6.2 There are five (5) fair value embedded in the cultural life of Malaysian consumers, namely:   
(i) the value of money (out rights as a consumer, dealer / manufacturer and civil servants).Human rights are at the heart of the consumer movement, particularly the rights of individuals to ensure that their basic needs are met.   
(ii) The value of human (caring). The movement is a group of people who care about other people. Gives value to human regardless of race, religion and class will be more harmonious and fair market.   
(iii) The value of democracy (knowing the power available to us). Acting as a group can make a difference. Users and dealers / manufacturers can use the collective power to protect consumer interests and against those who threaten the rights of consumers and dealers / manufacturers.   
(iv) The value of justice (fight for justice). Political and economic systems frequently discriminate against those who are not. Users can develop a more just, rational and equitable in practice advocacy and fight the well being of the user.   
(v) The value of the environment (to the earth). Users must protect, control and protect the environment from the threat of destruction and pollution. Consumers, businesses and government need to know the impact of actions on the environment so that the Earth's resources are not exploited and further negative impact on the public.   

POLICY VISIONachieving success is dependent on the NDP effort of all parties, consumers, traders, government and non-governmental. Due to consumer issues across various ministries and agencies, a coordination body should be established to coordinate efforts to ensure the achievement of the goals set and achieved.Effort and the role of all parties are able to reach the goals of the National Consumer Policy to create a dynamic user community, progressive, quality and values ​​to drive the consumer market environment of fair and ethical manner in line with Vision 2020.
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