1.1      The main purpose of the National Intellectual Property Policy (NIPP) is to exploit the intellectual property (IP) as a new growth engine to enhance social and economic prosperity. 1.2       NIPP focuses on maximizing the contribution of IP in accelerating the socio-economic and technological development through create an environment that encourages continuous HI, providing a high standard of IP protection system, promote commercial exploitation potential, foster the development of supporting industries and develop human resource capacities to implement policies successfully. 1.3       The importance of IP for economic growth has long been recognized. In the current knowledge-based economy, IP is a valuable economic asset as well as a critical business tool that can give competitive edge. Mungurus and strategically leverage IP is the way to improve the long-term competitiveness in the knowledge economy.


2.1      NIPP is needed as the main guide in drafting laws relating to IP and perform all activities related to IP by government agencies, research institutions, institutions of higher education, non-governmental organizations and the private sector with the aim of improving the use of IP for socio-economic development and technology. NIPP is also used as a guide in the formulation of any economic or social policies of the country. 2.2      policy is needed to facilitate the creation of an environment that stimulates and fosters the creation, protection, enforcement, management and maximum exploitation of IP aimed ultimately at developing a vibrant IP industry as the driver of future growth. The aim is to place the NIPP as important and integrated component of the country's economic policy to enhance the competitiveness of Malaysia.

2.3      This policy should be to promote and instill a culture of IP in the business community and the public. The aim is to create a society that values ​​IP as a valuable economic asset as well as respecting the rights of IP owners.

2.4      Policies also need to support one of the objectives of the Guarantee (Bill of Guarantees) Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) - to "become a regional leader in IP protection and cyber laws." National Biotechnology Policy, Biodiversity Policy and other other policies related to IP.

  1. OBJECTIVE NIPP 3.1 Level of IP Protection System Best

    yangcekap Develop systems and effective IP protection to ensure revenue protection and rights of quick and easy and efficient enforcement mechanisms and practical to provide redress and solutions violations of IP rights and also to pelanggaran.Dalam prevent today's world where technology changes rapidly, IP protection is quickly and easily give owners a better competitive edge and more time to exploit the IP that is created and obtained from their efforts and investments are therefore HI encouraged to further develop and create new ones. From a legal perspective, all applicable laws and regulations of HI to meet local needs and meet the standards set by international treaties and conventions that Malaysia. 3.2 Promotion of Production Activities HI Advancing HI production activities with a focus on management of innovation and research and development of more effective among research institutes, universities, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and individuals and also with foreign IP turnover in selected priority areas. To promote the activities of these IP have created a conducive environment that provides incentives, grants, management, finance, transactions, enforcement and dispute settlement. 3.3 Promotion of Commercial Exploitation of IP Advancing the commercial exploitation of IP as a key value creating activities required for the development of IP. The ultimate purpose is to develop a robust IP industry and essential for growth of the Malaysian economy in the new millennium. 3.4 Development of IP Management Capabilities Develop proficient IP management capabilities in the public and private sector, to cover the entire range of activities from creation to protection, exploitation, valuation, licensing, acquisition, enforcement and dispute settlement is very important to manage the IP industry is mature and sophisticated. 3.5 Infrastructure Development Transactions HI HI industry actively support requires the presence of a highly developed industry, especially in the banking and finance. Therefore be studied business infrastructure, banking and related financial transactions based on the current and future IP, especially trade, licensing, mortgages and securities. 3.6 Protection of National HI HI Malaysia Determining the importance of internationally controlled by monitoring the developments in the international arena and HI participate actively in international forums that address the enhancement of IP protection, emerging issues and new challenges due to rapid advances in technology. 3.7 Human Resource Development and Public Awareness Promotion of human resource development with a view to forming a group of experts who great for IP management in all levels of the chain of activities, for IP transaction and for commercial exploitation of IP. It is also necessary to increase the level of public awareness in relation to the objective of the IP protection system, the important role of IP in the socio-economic and technological development of the country and having the exclusive rights granted by the owners of IP law is recognized and respected.Human resource development and public awareness contributes to the culture of infringement of IP. 3.8 Promotion of Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer encourage more foreign investment and technology transfer to assure the highest standards of IP protection can convince investors would cover IP brought Malaysia, the opportunity to earn a return on their investment and the availability of legal channels to seek redress and solutions in cases of infringement. With the advent of foreign technologist, technology transfer needed to be promoted through the acquisition, licensing, franchising, and others.

  2. GOAL NIPP 4.1 Enhancement of Economic and Social

    NIPP main goal is to improve the economic prosperity of the community by leveraging IP as the new engine of economic growth by expanding the capacity of Malaysia to increase production, protect and enforce effectively, better manage and maximize the commercial exploitation HI. 4.2 Strengthening National Competitiveness Strengthening the country's long-term competitiveness by developing the IP industry as the industry matures and produces advanced, manage and exploit IP. 4.3 Malaysia as Leading IP Hub develop Malaysia as a leading IP hub where the generation of economic value from -driven business activities to strengthen the overall performance of the economy. As the industry matured and advanced HI Malaysia can export HI. 4.4 Establishment of IP Culture IP To promote and instill a culture in the business community and industry and the public. HI be accepted as an important and valuable asset in the socio-economic development and as a catalyst for the advancement of knowledge and technology that will ensure long-term competitiveness of the country. As a valuable asset, HI needs to be managed effectively to ensure that they are protected, and further diperbangunkan economic potential is exploited to the maximum level.


    following key strategies can be implemented to achieve the objectives that have been set: 5.1 Level of IP Protection System Best Development of IP protection system that efficiently and effectively requires the following strategies: i) Strengthening the IP administration Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO ) to meet the yearly increase in registration applications and customer needs and also to provide application procedures are simple and speedy registration, registration guidelines are clear, quality public search facilities and efficient information dissemination system. ii) Constant updating law and regulations to conform with international developments, new challenges and new issues. iii) Capacity building to create a large group of human resources proficient in registration and enforcement of IP. iv) Strengthening Government enforcement agencies that enforce violations of the Act Trade Descriptions Act 1972, Optical Discs Act 2000, Copyright Act 1987, Patents Act 1983, Copyright Act 1987, AktaReka Industrial Designs Act 1996, Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits Act 2000 danAkta Geographical Indications 2000. v) Setting up IP Court to expedite the hearing of cases related to IP and alternative dispute resolution system. 5.2 Promotion of Production Activities HI Advancing HI production activities require the following strategies: i) the level of IP protection system that guarantees revenue protection and the rights of the quick and easy and allows owners gain a competitive edge and gain a better return on their efforts and investment. ii) Resource Center MyIPO pro-active to provide and encourage the use by industries and individuals involved in the research and development of patent data and valuable design and contains information about the latest invention or technology in the world and world trends in specific technology areas. iii) Create an encouraging environment that provides incentives, grants, finance, management, transactions, enforcement and dispute settlement. iv) Enlarge the HI and develop a national focus on the creation of Malaysia. v) Acquire foreign IP in priority areas as well as promoting joint-ventures (ventures) intensive foreign HI HI to bring them to Malaysia. vi) Fostering cooperation and smart partnership between the government and the private sector danantara research institutions and industries. vii) Promote the dissemination of research and development. 5.3 Promotion of Commercial Exploitation of IP Advancing commercial exploitation of IP requires strategy - following strategies: i) Taking advantage of existing IP and acquire commercial value higher. ii) Identify the IP creators in Malaysia and fostering their progress so that revenue is maximized IP value. iii) To support SMEs, venture companies and individuals involved in the commercial exploitation of IP. iv) Promoting activities entrepreneurship by focusing on the exploitation of commercially viable IP. v) Creating a favorable business environment for domestic enterprises and foreign place overall, if not most of the IP value chain in Malaysia. vi) Development of methods of assessment and the rules contracts and licensing regulations appropriate to facilitate commercial exploitation of IP.    vii) Promote the release of IP rights are not exploited by the government or large companies to SMEs and individuals for commercial exploitation through licensing or assignment. 5.4 IP Management Capability DevelopmentAdvancing the development of management capabilities require the following strategies: i) Develop a team of experts skilled in all levels of the chain of activities. ii) Encourage public and private sectors to manage IP owned by providing guidelines or manuals clearly . iii) Encouraging IP owners such as the efforts of foreign investors to use Malaysia as a hub of IP. iv) Review of laws and regulations as well as existing business practices to better manage and exploit IP in the public and private sector . 5.5 IP Transaction Infrastructure Development Developing infrastructure for IP transaction requires the following strategies: i) Review the laws and existing regulations related to company law, securities regulations and laws on banking and finance in general to ensure infrastructure business, banking and finance can facilitate IP-based transactions. ii) Encourage the banking and financial sector develop instruments for banking and finance IP-based mortgage and securitization of IP assets. iii) Establish Exchange HI HI to spur trade and to develop market more liquid to HI trading. iv) Review the laws and business practices existing in order to enhance the business climate for fund-based investments HI HI including setting up a special funding. 5.6 Protection of National IP Protect IP interests Malaysia requires strategies following: i) Monitor the development and advancement of IP at international level. ii) Participate actively in international forums that address the enhancement of IP protection, emerging issues and challenges posed by technological advances. iii) Develop a national stance on important issues after discussing with agencies and organizations concerned in the public and private sectors. 5.7 Human Resource Development and Public Awareness Promotion of human resource development and public awareness on IP requires the following strategies: i) Establishment of the Institute of National IP to provide IP training program specific rights such as procurement, enforcement, dispute resolution, management, evaluation and licensing as well as general awareness. ii) Introducing the HI subjects in the formal education system at primary schools and secondary schools and institutions of higher learning. iii) Conduct program public awareness on an ongoing basis, which focus on specific target groups and the general public. iv) Disseminate information through the mass media, publications, etc.. v) Hold seminars, workshops, lectures, interviews and public campaigns. vi) Participate in exhibitions organized by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs or other public and private agencies. 5.8 Promotion of Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Promotion of foreign investment and technology transfer requires a strategy the following strategies: i) the level of IP protection system that ensures protection of IP rights, ensuring investors the opportunity to acquire a return on the investment. ii) they and provides legal channels to seek redress and solutions violations. iii) Facilitating local industry obtain needed foreign IP through licensing, franchising and others. 6.0 CLOSING

    HI is a key strategic asset and an effective pengeksploitannya is one of the keys to increasing social and economic prosperity of Malaysia. NIPP implementation of effective and successful is One of the critical steps to drive competitiveness and to enable Malaysia Malaysia eventually be developed.

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